Monday 13 February 2017


We don't always know what makes us happy. We know, instead, what we
think SHOULD. We are baffled and confused when our attempts at
happiness fail... We are mute when it comes to naming accurately our
own preferences, delights, gifts, talents. The voice of our original
self is often muffled, overwhelmed, even strangled, by the voices of
other people's expectations. The tongue of the original self is the
language of the heart. I know there's an ocean between us, and I wish
that it weren't true, for every day when I arise, I yearn to be with
you. Though a lot of distance lies between us, you'll always be in my
mind and my heart And every night beneath the stars, I pray for the
day we'll never be part. Every day I will be thinking about you. When
my eyes are closed, when I sing and dance to a love song, when I'm
checking my email, I will be thinking about you. When I go to sleep in
the loneliness of my room and give in to wonderful dreams I will
definitely be thinking about you. I know someday we will meet and
spend our lives with each other. I have waited for someone like you,
and now that I have found you I will never let you go.
The best way for a person to be romantic is by being your own self.
Don't let others tell you what to do. Come up with something no one
would expect. Like ask your girlfriend or boyfriend to make love under
the kitchen table. Do something creative. Show who you are... Tell
them how you really feel about them, that you love them from the
inside not just the outside. Say sweet and loving things like: 'Your
eyes can make the sun rise, or You are the reason my heart beats, or
You look so good, I wish I could grow a whole field of you... Often
the greatest way to show your love is by giving someone your trust.
Open up and tell your love something about you that no one else knows.
**********************************************************7 Secrets of
a Successful Marriage********************************************************
1. Be each other's support system.
You go through many things in a lifetime. It helps to know there is
someone to help you shoulder the hard times. When your partner comes
to you or needs an encouraging word, give it to them. Your vote of
confidence can do wonders for your partner and in turn better your
2. Be able to compromise.
By now we should all agree that people can't always have their own
way. Applying the art of compromise is a healthy solution to settling
a disagreement. Be willing to look for new avenues for exchange in
order to make things feel fair to your partner. You might try a back
rub in exchange for dish washing duty or quiet time together in
exchange for a guy's night out. Compromising can help you turn your
differences into new ways to discover each other.
3. Express your love in a variety of ways.
Don't just say it; show it. Don't just show it; say it. In other
words, find more than one way to express your affection for your
partner. Variety is the spice that keeps a marriage together. Leave a
love note under your partner's pillow. Write "I love you" in lipstick
on the mirror. Hide a rose on your partner's car seat. Stop and give
your partner a very unexpected weak-in-the-knees kiss. Mail a
hand-written love letter. Avoid falling into a boredom rut by
continually striving to try and do new things together.
4. Respect each other's individuality.
Encourage your partner to participate in individual interests they may
have. In fact, take that encouragement a step further and occasionally
join your partner in their favorite past time. You'll be showing your
partner that you not only understand who they are, but that you love
them exactly how they are as well.
5. Always leave on good terms.
Life is unexpected. No argument is worth parting ways while upset with
each other. If you can keep this in mind, it will go a long way to
helping you put certain aspects of your relationship in perspective.
Learn to value your relationship enough to never let things get that
out of hand.
6. Be kind and considerate to each other.
This may seem like a given, but how many times have you snapped at
your partner Good evening my dear, how are you? I hope your day went well? I really
appreciate the time that you create to communicate with me, and show
concern for my feelings and put a smile on my face, and it shows how
caring you are, how can I tell you how much I care about you, even
though I have not seen you face to face, You have been the thought of
my day all could think now his you even when am on duty, I thank you a
million times for the time you create to write to me.
In my spare time from work, I like to enjoy myself go to pool for
swimming, cinema to watch movies, beach, I love to see children
playing, we can learn so much from children I love traveling, I
traveled alot because of my Job, I have being to England, Germany,
Israel, Russia Moscow, Kuwait, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Spain,
Canada, Poland and France.
I can say that I am a very sociable, kind and cheerful person with a
good sense of humor. I like to laugh and my been happy always doesn't
mean that everything to fine, But there is this great joy in me that
tells me with time everything will be fine! Like they always say;
people who laugh, live longer. Though, on the other hand I can be very
serious, I am a reliable and also a responsible personnel. I do smoke
once in a while which i don't drink alcohol, NO drugs, But sometime
take champagne, I'm trying to stop my smoking totally, My favorite
food is hard to decide because I love all kind of foods, I usually go
for seafoods, I love the smell of freshly mowed grass, I love flowers.
They all smell so beautiful and sweet, I love to watch television i
like viewing action, comedy and drama films.
When I like a woman, I love with all of my heart and soul, I have A
lot to offer, support and tenderness, I love life and all He brings to
my way, I enjoy cuddling. I enjoy spending much time with my partner
when am out from work, Love to walk on the beach and hear the waves
while holding hands together, I love music, but i am not blessed with
a golden voice.... (smiling)
I wish you a pleasant night and hope to hear from you soon
Best regards from
Good morning my dear, How are you doing? I hope you had a beautiful
night? I really want to know your bad habits and good habits? What are
the things you like in a man? Things you don't eat? What's your
favorite food? Tell me about your friends? How close you are to your
family? What do you do in your free time? Is there anything that you
are really passionate about? What kind of vacation you would love to
take? Do you smoke, drink or take drugs?...
I am so grateful for knowing you, I will love to come over to visit
you so we can know more about each other, you are very positive and
open person, words can't explain how much I long to have a sincere and
honest woman like you, I bless the day I met you and the memory of
having met your profile will never depart from my soul.
I wish you a wonderful and enjoyable day my dear, and I hope to hear
from you soon.
Good evening my dear, I have to admit that you are a very beautiful
and charming woman. There's so much I want to say to you, but no words
seem strong enough to express the depth of what I feel for you. I can
only say that all of my life I've looked for someone like you. I
wanted to share my life with someone who's kind, affectionate,
intelligent, passionate, responsible, caring, easy-going, considerate,
generous, determined, and hard-working. I've dreamed of someone who
loves animals, children, romantic strolls beneath the moonlight, and
long lazy nights before the fire. I wanted someone who has a good
heart and cares about others, someone who's willing to go that extra
mile for someone who's in need with an honest heart. You're all of
these things and so much more, and I'm overjoyed that you're part of
my life. And though I care about you more than words could ever say,
I'll say it anyway... I love you with all of my heart and to the very
depth of my soul.... when I saw your photo for the first time, You
were so cute and secure, I was amazed that my heart could still beat
that hard, you were the most prettiest woman my heart had laid eyes on
in a very long time.. Now, the only fear I have is waking up and
realizing it’s all a dream. I want you to know that since the day I
met you I've fallen deeply in love with you. There are no words to
express the gratitude I feel in my heart that you came into my life,
and how you make every day so special. Each moment that you and i
write emails together is so magical that I catch myself smiling for no
reason at all. I never thought that I would fall in love that his as
strong as this, but now that I have found you I know that you are the
person I want to spend the rest of my life with, the person I want to
marry, and the person I want to grow old with.
I would like to move in with you for us to learn more about each
other, and plan to start a new life together, I want to be a man, to
love and protect you, I'll always be here for you, my dear I love you
deeply from my heart from the very first time i set my eyes on your
photo, getting to know you more gives me more joy and hope about life
it's self, I can't wait until I can embrace you, kiss you, to melt
with you, to show you HOW much you are wanted. I am sitting here
somewhere in the world thinking about you..............
I wish you a nice and pleasant evening my love, and hope to hear from you.
A lot of love from
Good Morning my love. I hope you had a wonderful night rest. I must
admit that I have hot days I think about you every second of every
day. When I fall asleep, my dreams are about you. When I wake up, I look at the empty pillow next to me and wish you were there looking
into my eyes, I am so happy to have found you I want to go to join you
like i said earlier on and to plan how to start a new happy life
together as one, as I travel a lot because of my job, and my job is
always on the high seas, I know it's not easy to be in such a distance
relationship, but I want you to be patient with me in understanding
and together we will be happy, I would like to investment on a
business company of my own attached to my work, so after my
retirement, I will also have income from my own business, I believe
that you are a woman of my dreams, Before being with you, I had heard
of passion and love and seen it in movies; never dreamed that kind of
emotion would ever come to me. How I wish that you could bring the
idea of ​​the words that I bring to terms. My life is starting to
become so different.
Ever since you walked into my life, I have been smiling. There hasn't
been a day when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's
all because of you my love, I am glad that you came into my life. I
have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving,
caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I
am. Now I have found the person I was looking for. My heart told me
that you are the woman of my dream when i first said hello to you and
with a respond from you as well.... I knew that you were my only true
love i don't think that there would be anyone better than you out
there for me.
The distance that parts us is my enemy, but I gaze at the moon and ask
it to reflect my love back to you so far away. You are the answer to
my passion and my dreams, Thank you for being such an extraordinary
part of my life. I hope we will continue this journey together for a
long time to come.
I wish you a pleasant weekend, my dear, and hope to hear from you.
A lot of love fromGood evening my love, Let me start off by telling you what an amazing
woman you are and that you fill my life with joy and satisfaction and
my heart with love and happiness. Before I met you I had started to
lose my faith in love, and I wasn't sure there was a someone out there
for me. Now I am positive that there is no one in the world that could
complete me like you do or even come close. Love seems more real and
true than I ever thought it could and I just want to say thank you.
I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a
love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I
truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life, and I
cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to
sleep next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms. I want to
wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and
sorrows. I want to be your everything, because you are everything to
me. I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. I
will always be here for you when you need me, and I will love you no
matter what life brings us. You are my soul mate, and I vow to love
you all eternity. I love you............
Wishig you all the good things in life my love, I'm hoping to read from you
Regards from
Good morning dear. I'm sure you have a good night my love. Thanks for
the message that you sent me. I appreciate it so much. I already told
you that I am in Europe High sea and soon come to join you, you are
very special person I know, I am very grateful for the precious gift
of you!
You are the world to me and I'll do anything to make you happy, not
thinking. I like everything about you, your eyes, it looks.....
There's no end to how I feel. I think you are my only true love. And I
will love you with all my heart, body, mind and soul.
I know love is a precious gift from heaven. Love is the greatest
feeling. Love is like a melody. In life, it is to bring harmony. Love
is what I feel for you every day. simple and beautiful, you're the
only one I want. I need to be on my side. Just like an angel to keep
forever. Your life for me is gentle and kind, and brought me peace of
heart, soul and spirit. I'm glad I met you on the net. It means so
much to me to share a bit of my life with you and yours a bit with me.
The days are always much brighter when I receive a message from you.
It's great to know there's someone out there who's Lovely and caring,
loyal and truthful. Our lives are always so hectic, with little time
to spare, and it's a wonderful feeling just to know that you're out
there. You've made my life much richer, in your own caring way. And I
want you to know that I'm thankful to you everyday
Have a nice day my dear. I hope to hear from you.
Good evening my love, How are you doing today? I miss you so much..
Thanks for your beautiful mail.. Your mail makes my heart melt for you
more and more.... The fact that i can't just stop thinking about you
all day. My love for you is undying I love you unconditional, I must
confesss to you again and again that You have no idea how much you
mean to me. I love you so much more than your imagination, I can't
wait to spend the rest of my life with you my love. My contract will
be over soon and i will be coming to join you, I want to put my 'trust
in you', I believe in my heart that we will build a bright future
together, I want to send you my luggage for you to help me receive and
keep it save, before my coming to join you, My Luggage contains my
cloths and a bit of money, The money was sold from petroleum oil,
which they paid us in cash over here in Europe High sea, I want you to
help me receive the luggage because the luggage is


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