Monday 13 February 2017


I don't know how to approach this with you in Instant messenger,I have
been fighting a battle with myself my heart says I should tell you how
I feel, but my head tells me not to be stupid that it would just cause
damage to our friendship and that you wouldn't be interested,I know
that there is probably very little I can say to change your mind
either way; I am not totally discounting the possibility that the way
I feel about you could be reciprocated, but as I have very little luck
in this area in the past my hopes are fairly small,I wanted to put
into words my feelings in the hopes that although you may never see
the words in writing or even hear them from my lips that you would
still know that I care deeply for you, I feel that given the chance
this could turn into more, but I guess that will depend on you and how
you feel about me,I can't pinpoint what exactly it is that makes me
feel that you do have some feelings towards me. Maybe it's due to the
way that when I talk to you, how you do talk to me on instant
messenger so few people do that,I wish I could vocalize my feelings to
you but my fear prohibits me so much I think that by the time I
finally gain the courage, that you will be with someone else. My
biggest fear is that if i don't appreciate you now i will loose you to
someone else,
I see your pictures and i can imagine spending the rest of my life
with you alone. I wish you would open up to me and let me in to your
life. I know it wouldn't be easy but I still believe that I could be
good for you, if only you could accept my feelings. I know I may not
be the best looking man, you know, and maybe i will not have much to
give to you physically, all I could offer you is my heart and ,I fear
that this will not turn out the way I hope but I pray that it does. As
I said before, you may never know the true extent of my feelings
although I would imagine you have some suspicions,This may be a crush
or infatuation but I swear to you that it does not feel like it, as I
have had crushes before but never really felt. the kinds of emotions I
do for you,I hope that if I can master the courage to tell you how I
feel, that whatever your feelings, it will turn out okay and that at
the very least we can be good friends, but I long for so much more and
i will love to be your man. Please baby can i be the man in your life?
baby i will love to read from you
baby i am really sorry i sleep off that why i could not talk to
you.....hope to hear from you soon my dear.


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